What's New

York Lab leads an Amber Free Energy Workhsop at San Diego!
Yujun's paper featured on the cover of JCP!
Lauren and Erika present at the RNA Society Meeting in Scotland!
Darrin gives an SBGrid webinar at Harvard Medical School!
Hsu-Chun successfully defended her thesis. Congrats Dr. Tsai!
Yujun successfully defends her thesis. Congrats Dr. Tao!
Erika wins 2024 Van Dyke Award. Congratulations Erika!
Jinzhe wins Reid Award. Congratulations Jinzhe!
Erika wins 2024 IQB Inclusive Leadership Award!
Darrin's review AFE Methods review is out and featured on the cover (THANKS YUJUN!)
Yujun makes the cover of ACS Environmental Au!
Yujun and Jinzhe's paper featured on the cover of JCTC!
YorkLab set of "fantastic 4" drug discovery papers just out!
Jinzhe won 2022-2023 Van Dyke Award for excellence in research!
York Group graduate students meet Nobel Laureate Frances Arnold!
York Lab shares NSF Cyberinfrastructure for Sustained Scientific Innovation (CSSI)!
Shi got married! Congratulations to Shi & Jaiqi
Şölen's best article EVER makes the JPC B cover!
Hsu-Chun and Yujun win Reid and van Dyke awards for excellence in research
York group book chapter on AMBER drug discovery boost is published!
Jinzhe's first paper with the York Lab is out in JCTC!
Ken successfully defended his thesis and survived pistols and hammerheads! Congratulations!
Tim and Şölen's new paper is featured as the cover of JPC A!
Tim's new paper solves all your relative binding free energies at once!
Hsu receives the Van Dyke Research Award!
Emily has a new paper out!
Colin successfully defended his thesis, congratulations!
York Lab "Hat-Trick" of new free energy papers published!
Emily is Ph.inisheD. after a successful thesis defense! Congratulations!
Emily's paper on Peer Leader Learning Attitudes published in J. Chem. Ed.!
York Lab awarded intramural research grant from the Center for COVID-19 Response and Pandemic Preparedness (CCRP2)
Darrin is the recipient of the second annual Grossman Innovation Prize
York lab among first cohort of researchers to gain access to the fastest academic supercomputer in the world
Abir's paper on VS ribozyme published in Nature Chemistry!
Colin's paper on RNA enzyme design published in RNA!
Yujun and Hsu pass their OFRP... Congratulations!
Abir's paper has been selected as an ACS Editor's Choice article
Darrin organizes an ACS symposium on integrating theory and experiment
Ken's Paper On The Pistol Ribozyme Accepted
Şölen's crystal paper featured on cover of J. Phys. Chem. B
York group leads new Ontology for discussion of RNA-cleavage reactions in ACS Chem. Biol.
Şölen selected to receive "Promise in COMP" award
Colin Wins Poster Award at Nucleic Acids Conference
York Group at the Nucleic Acids Conference!
George's JACS paper on Molecular Solvation Theory is now available!
Emily Wins Rieman Award for Excellence in Teaching
Ken Selected to Receive BASF Corporation Catalysts Division Fellowship
Abir wins Best Poster at the Rutgers Postdoctoral Symposium!
York Group Takes Retreat in Florida Following ACS Meeting
LBSR Makes a Big Impact at the 255th ACS Meeting in New Orleans
New GPU-accelerated free energy method in JCTC
Ken and Emily Win Van Dyke Award for Excellence in Research
Colin wins Reid Award for Outstanding Accomplishments in Doctoral Research
Emily Atieh Publishes Book Chapter in ACS Symposium Series
Colin Gaines has paper accepted into Angewandte Chemie
Darrin York to give Closing Plenary Talk at QM/MM Methods and Applications conference At University of Manchester
Darrin York attends CHARMM Developers Meeting at Harvard University
New GPU-accelerated pmemdGTI module offers over 2 orders of magnitude speedup in free energy calculations
Emily Atieh Presents at the Chemistry Education Research Conference at Miami University
Darrin York Gives Opening Plenary Lecture at TheoBio17 in San Sebastian, Spain
Ken Kostenbader Wins Duff Travel Award
Emily Atieh attends AAAS-CASE Workshop in Washington D.C.
Colin Gaines wins Van Dyke Award for Excellence in Research
Emily Atieh Awarded Duff Travel Award
5th Zing Nucleic Acids Conference
Darrin York Transforms Teaching in Active Learning Classrooms
Darrin York's Attendance at Solvay Conference in Brussels
JCP Editor's Pick
Colin's Paper on Twister Ribozyme Featured in C&EN
Haoyuan Chen Receives Reid Award for Outstanding Accomplishments in Doctoral Research
Maria Panteva Successfully Defends Thesis!
Erich Kuechler Successfully Defends Thesis!
Thakshila Dissanayake Successfully Defends Thesis!
Darrin York Named New Jersey Professor of the Year!
Brian Radak Successfully Defends Thesis!
Ming Huang Successfully Defends Thesis!
Faculty Honored for Teaching, Research, Service, and Diversity Initiatives
Ming's Sugar Pucker Profile Paper Featured on April Cover of JCTC!
Major Changes to Rutgers General Chemistry Course - First Page Headlines!
High Achiever Recognition Ceremony
Publication: "Parametrization of an Orbital-Based Linear-Scaling Quantum Force Field for Noncovalent Interactions"
Darrin York's Talk at the Gordon Research Conference
Bringing the "Wow" Factor to Chemistry Class
Nobel Prize Winner Martin Karplus was Advisor to Three CCB Faculty
20 Years of PME: Symposium Honoring Professor Darrin York, Tom Darden, and Lee G Pedersen
Professor Darrin York honored with SAS Award for Distinguished Contribution to Undergraduate Education
Introducing a Novel E-Learning System Targeting Better Education for Students in the Science Industries
Reaction Path and Transition States for RNA Transphosphorylation Models
Molecules of RNA Form Biological Catalysts

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About Us

The York Lab develops innovative technology for advanced simulations of complex biological processes.  We are co-developers of the Amber software package, and leaders in the field of computational drug discovery and nucleic acid enzyme design.  Check out our team and recent papers!

Join Us

The York Lab is actively recruiting talented scientists to join our team.  If you are a prospective graduate student, check out our Research (download brochure) and apply now to our graduate program in Chemistry & Chemical Biology or Quantitative Biomedicine.  If you are interested in job opportunities as a postdoctoral fellow or research scientist, please contact Prof. York!


Mailing Address:
Center for Integrative Proteomics Research
174 Frelinghuysen Road
Piscataway, NJ 08854-8076